Thursday, May 19, 2011

Your Personal Health and Headphones / Headsets / Earphones / Earbuds.

Headphones / Headsets / Earphones / Earbuds are really a cultural norm -  Many people utilizing them while exercising, walking, commuting, playing, studying  or working.

Audio Headphones technology have increased life of battery and storage capacity resulting in headphones users listening at loud decibels for prolonged periods of time. Headphone users' listening habits have audio-logists alarmed. Most of younger people are exhibiting hearing problems usually found in older adults.

Prevention is important to protecting your hearing. Here are the tips that may potentially reduce hearing problems:

  • Decrease the volume.
  • Utilize the volume limiter on your portable player.
  • Don't use your Headphones / Headsets / Earphones / Earbuds. to drown out background noise such as traffic area or subway.
  • Invest in sound-isolating or noise-canceling Headphones / Headsets / Earphones / Earbuds.


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